Friday, December 20, 2013



Lots of icy roads out there today, I guess. 

I haven't been out yet, but I'm going to try it soon.

I've got some more Christmas shopping to do, plus my 2-mile indoor walk.

The ice was starting to get me into a bad mood. Then things got worse. 

I was sitting in front of the fireplace a few minutes ago, watching a black-and-white film from 1937 on Turner Classic Movies.  

I like that kind of stuff. 

Then I came into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and noticed on another TV that Obama was, as usual, defending himself during a press conference that was being carried by one of the networks. 

I kept hearing the reporters calling him "sir" when they'd ask him a question. 

It kind of made me sick. 

Then a guy named Chuck [at least that's what Obama called him] gave Obama a "Merry Christmas, sir" greeting before asking him a question. 

That even made me sicker. 

It kind of reminded of me of the day a sportswriter told me another writer he knows sends Christmas cards and birthday cards to the basketball and football coaches he covers. 

Enough of this kind of negative thinking. 

It's time for my walk. 

After I finish watching the 1937 movie, that is.

UPDATE--I made it. 

Out of the driveway, I mean. 

That was the toughest part of my trek through icy West Des Moines late this afternoon. 

Like I said, my driveway was the toughest concrete to negotiate. 

Hey, I'm glad there wasn't another car going down or coming up the hill. 

Without wanting to, I slid all the way into the street in my 1989 Toyota Camry [the official car of this column].  

Good thing all of the neighbors were either at work or had their cars in their garages. 

I did my 2-mile walk at the mall and accomplished the Christmas shopping I wanted to do. 

Actually, I thought I was finished with the shopping a couple of days ago, but our college sophomore granddaughter finally got her Christmas list emailed to me, so I took care of her gifts. 

All 14 of us are going to have a wonderful Christmas celebration throughout all of next week in our home.

As the song says, let it snow, let it snow. 

[As you can tell, my mood has improved considerably since I looked outdoors at the ice on the streets earlier in the day]. 

By the way, I guess Obama is on his way to Hawaii.

Take it from me. After being on the islands for 15 days before and after Thanksgiving, I know he'll love it there. 

Maybe his mood will improve, too.