Friday, November 18, 2016

Cheer Up, Kendall. You're Still the Official Pastor


These have been interesting days for Kendall Meyer, a man of the cloth who has been reluctantly dressing in blue.

Chicago Cubs blue, that is.

World champion Chicago Cubs no less.

Meyer is pictured in one of the Cub shirts and jerseys he wore all week, whether he liked the idea or not.

Early in the week, Meyer put this message on his Facebook page:

"So, I lost the bet about the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. For a whole week I have to wear this."

Kendall has been a good friend of mine for a long time.

He's certainly an unusual man of the cloth.

He's the type of guy who, one summer day when I invited him to lunch at Jethro's in the Drake area, arrived on his motorcycle.

Just one problem with him.

He's been a St. Louis Cardinals fan forever.

So naturally he and I [a Cubs fan forever] had plenty of conversations about major league baseball--some of them heated conversations.

I got to know Meyer when he was our senior pastor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Des Moines. 

He now is the associate pastor at Lutheran Church Of St. John in Quincy, Ill.

An important thing to know is that Meyer is the Official Pastor of this column and all of my other websites and columns.

Indeed, I pointed out to him when he was feeling bad about wearing Cubs blue that even though he no longer is the pastor at Mt. Olive Lutheran, he's still the Official Pastor of my columns.

That made him happy.

The Official Pastor thing dates back to when I had an Official List of 25 or so people on another of my websites.

In addition to Official Pastor, I had stuff like Official Car, Official State Fair Tractor, Official Kinnick Stadium Night Game and Official Bicycle.

There were a couple of more negative Official This and Thats, but to name them I'd have to use some profanities, and I don't think that's a good idea with the holidays approaching and when I'm writing about churches and pastors.

Here's  what I wrote a couple of years ago when Kendall Meyer was again named the Official Pastor of this column:

It's a pleasure for me to announce today that Rev. Kendall Meyer of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church and School in Des Moines has been named the Official Pastor of this website, as well as my other websites.

Rev. Meyer won in landslide fashion in a thoroughly unscientific poll, beating out 41 other Protestant pastors, 10 Catholic priests and two Jewish rabbis.

Twenty-two of the Protestant pastors were from Methodist churches, nine were from Baptist churches, six were from Presbyterian churches, two were from other Lutheran churches and two were from Episcopalian churches.

The thoughtful, consistently-meaningful pastoral messages from the highly-intelligent, hard-working Rev.  Meyer have proven to be a strength in his work with both adult and youth memberships at his growing church.

I delivered the news to Rev. Meyer that he had won the Official Pastor title at a free Mt. Olive pizza party at the Incredible Pizza establishment in Urbandale following the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday.

Upon hearing the news, Rev. Meyer said, "I appreciate very much the confidence those who participated in the poll have in me, and I will do all that is humanly possible to continue accomplishing what it takes to maintain the Official Pastor recognition for many years to come. 

"I read Ron Maly's columns regularly, and they have definitely been an inspiration to me." 

I have felt for some time that there was a need for an Official Pastor in these columns and on these websites to more than balance off a tiny  negative element in The Official List....

Have a great day, Kendall.